Home Events - Trails Club of Oregon Nesika Nesika Halloween Party Oct. 25th-27th

Nesika Halloween Party Oct. 25th-27th

Come and enjoy a spooky weekend at Nesika.  Bring costume.. Games and fun on Saturday include Haunted HOuse, games, costume contest, good food and treats.  Day hikes will be welcome if we can find a leader.  Food is pot luck to keep cost down.  Bring food for family and be prepared to share.  Meet at Larch Mountain snow gate just past 10 miles marker  at 9:00 AM.   sharp on Friday or Saturday morning.

You will need a high clearance car with either All wheel drive or 4 wheel drive to maneuver down the road to Nesika.  If you need shuttled, please donate $5 to your shuttle drive for each way.

If you would like to help or could lead games please contact Linda Conrad at 3609075096.

Cost is normal lodging fees for kids and adults.


Note if you want to come up and chop wood or work on trails the weekend cost is free.


Oct 25 - 27 2024


Please be prompt.
All Day
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