

Trails Club Officers

The Trails Club is governed by a board of trustees. The board consists of 4 officers
(President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary)
and 6 Trustees (Membership, Outdoor Education and Outreach, Publications, Trips, Nesika Lodge, and Tyee Lodge).
The board meets monthly to discuss club business. Officers and trustees serve two year terms.

All club activities are run by volunteers serving on club committees. The club could not
operate without the host of volunteers that willingly work for the good of the club.

Board of Trustees

The following is contact information for the current board. The official
club e-mails, which are routed to the current officers, are also listed. Using
the address is preferred for club business.
To contact the entire Board of Trustees, send email to:
The table below shows terms that start in (e) even and (o) odd years.
Elections are held each year in November at the club’s annual business meeting.

President (e)Beverly Drottar2024-2025
Vice President (o)Eric Zimmerman2025-2026
Treasurer (e)Nicole Rogers2024-2025
Secretary (o)Rebecca Knudeson2025-2026
Nesika Lodge Co-Trustee (e)Pete Recksiek2024-2025
Tyee Lodge Trustee (e)Paul Cutter2024-2025
Membership Trustee (e)Lori Leach2024-2025
Publication Trustee (o)Joel Reitz2025-2026
Outdoor Education and Outreach Trustee (o)VACANCY2025-2026
Trips Trustee (o)Craig Gwydir2025-2026

Standing Committees

SocialJeff Churchill
Leave No TraceDolores Niebergall
HistoryLinda Conrad

Other club email addresses:

– To send to the President.

– To send email to all board and committee members, including Outdoor Education and Outreach Committee, Leave No Trace Committee, Conservation Committee, and History Committee.

– For items to be published in the Trail Blazer. (Editor + Publication Chair + Trips Chair)

– To send email to the entire board, 4 officers + 6 non-officer trustees.

– To send to the Conservation Committee.

– To send to the Outdoor Education and Outreach Committee.

– For questions about dues and membership status (Membership+Treasurer).

– To send to the History Committee.

– For general inquiries about the club (Membership).

 – To send to the Leave No Trace Committee.

– For the club’s legal representative (President).

– To send to both lodge chairs (Nesika+Tyee).

– To send to Membership and Trips Chairs.

– To send to the Membership Committee.

– To send to the Nesika Committee + V.P.

– To send to the 4 club officers.

– To send to the Outdoor Education and Outreach Committee.

– To send to the Trips Committee.

– To send to the Publications Committee.

– To send to the Social Committee.

– To send to the Trips Committee.

– To send to the 6 club non-officer trustees.

– To send to the Tyee Committee + V.P.