
Conservation Note for April

Conservation Committee Note for April

This month your conservation committee would like to introduce you to a local non-profit combating climate change.


Kyla Yeoman

350PDX* is a diverse, people-powered movement with an ambitious vision to address the causes of climate disruption, coupled with the experience needed to get there.

We’re creating a world where fossil fuels are kept in the ground, our society is 100% powered by renewable and community-owned energy, we’re surrounded by vibrant, carbon-rich forests, people have quality family-wage jobs, and our communities are resilient.

Because we recognize that the causes of climate disruption are the same root causes as other environmental, social, economic and racial injustices, we follow the strong leadership of those impacted first and worst. We put pressure on politicians, industries and businesses to change the extractive and exploitative systems people live in. We want the easiest choice for everyone to be the sustainable one. That’s why we’re focused on systemic change rather than individual behaviors.

We know this is ambitious, but we actually do have the power to make it happen. They have the money, we have the people. 350PDX’s mission is to inspire you to act, to give you the skills and knowledge you need, and to give you the opportunity to engage in real, meaningful, effective action that will fully address the climate crisis, and bring about a just and equitable future for all. We also focus on mobilizing believers rather than deniers. With 72 percent of Oregonians supportive of climate action, we have more than enough people if we all show up.

That’s where you come in. We’ve saved a seat for you, and can’t wait to help you find your climate action “home”. We have strategic teams focused on fossil fuel resistance, transportation, forest defense, and the Green New Deal. We have neighborhood teams, family-friendly teams, and affinity group teams. We even have an arts team that makes activism creative and joyful! You may see us in the streets during big climate marches, but behind the scenes are people strategizing, researching, writing, collaborating and creating. We’re building a movement and we want you in it.

*350PDX is a local group affiliated with The number 350 comes from the scientific safe upper limit of how many parts per million of carbon dioxide should be in the atmosphere. Before the industrial revolution, it was roughly 270. We are currently at around 415, meaning we are overstepping this important planetary boundary and need to stop emitting greenhouse gases and bring that number back down to 350 or below as fast as possible.

What can you do?
Go to the 350PDX website and find a climate change action that fits your concerns, and join in!

Your Conservation Committee