
Conservation Note for January

Sponsor a tree for Nesika reforestation!
The Nesika Committee has made great progress in the work to restore our beautiful
lodge, though much work remains to be done. Meanwhile, the devastated forest
surrounding Nesika has not been forgotten. Your Conservation Committee has
partnered with the Nesika Committee and with the US Forest Service to work out a plan
for reforestation, which areas are best left alone to come back on their own, which
areas it makes sense to plant seedlings to bring the beautiful conifers back sooner. We
will plant seedlings which not only are natives, but are best suited to each area of the
terrain surrounding Nesika, which come from the correct “seed zone,” and are most
likely to give us the most for the beauty and habitat restoration we seek. But we need
you!!! When it comes time for planting, we will need TCO members to sponsor one or
more trees with a donation towards purchase of these seedlings, as there is no money
in our strained budget for reforestation. Stay tuned, and you will soon hear how you
can participate in the restoration of our own forest! And much thanks to USFS
silviculturist Chad Atwood, who came on the Nesika hike of December 9, on his own
time, for a site visit to plan the reforestation with us.

Wishing you all a beautiful winter season, with much snow to replenish Oregon’s waters
after our long drought.

For the love of our forests, streams, rivers, and wetlands,
Your Conservation Committee