Backpack Timberline Trail – 40 miles in 3.5 days
1 leader + plus 5 experienced backpackers to backpack 40 miles in 3.5 days.
If another leader wants to join the trip the number can expand to a maximum of 12. No pets, please.
The trail is strenuous in places and the time allotted will require more than 10 miles a day. Please know your experience and fitness before attempting this circuit.
We will start on Friday afternoon from the Timberline Lodge Heading clockwise on the Timberline Trail. The goal will be to get to Paradise Park to camp the first night.
The hiking style is to hike all day slow and steady. The start time will be around 8 am or earlier if everyone is ready to roll. Stopping time will be around 5 pm ish or later if motivation is high.
If you are interested in this hike please contact Olivia at or 703-628-9971
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