Home Events - Trails Club of Oregon Backpack Outing Mount Margaret Backpack Trip Aug 28-30, 19 miles

Mount Margaret Backpack Trip Aug 28-30, 19 miles

NOTE: Please RSVP using the Meetup link below!

This is a 19-mile, 2-night/3-day backpack trip (including travel time to/from Portland area) in the Mount Margaret Backcountry. The hike will start at the Norway Pass Trailhead on August 28 and will include overnight stays at the Shovel Lake and Margaret Camps before returning to Norway pass on August 30. Note of Caution: This is a difficult backpacking trip, and it is a hike for experienced backpackers in good physical condition.

Link with details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1diqxOmn_1XIc1H9af3aPK5qN_j7f6CzS4FMVA-jDQ6o/edit?usp=sharing