Home Events - Trails Club of Oregon Planning Meeting Social Volunteers needed: help plan the first Social TCO event of 2022!

Volunteers needed: help plan the first Social TCO event of 2022!

Hi, I’m looking for volunteers to help me plan the FIRST SOCIAL TCO event of 2022! My plan is to rent the group day use pavilion at Champoeg State Park on 1/2/22 for a day exploring the park and sharing a hot meal. I want the event to be welcoming to all members, their guests and be an opportunity for people to come and find out what TCO is all about.

My vision for the day:
Location: https://stateparks.oregon.gov/index.cfm?do=park.profile&parkId=79

I’d like to offer warm drinks and a simple lunch (soup and sandwich maybe), so I need people to volunteer to cook and be hosts at the pavilion.

Additionally, I would like to have several hikes offered, at least one Class A and one B, so I need hike leaders. If someone would like to lead an interpretive hike and focus on plants or the history in the park that would be perfect.

The park offers disc golf and biking opportunities if you are interested in planning these activities. We could do lawn games as well. Really almost anything is a possibility, come and share your ideas.

This meeting will likely be less than an hour, I will include the Zoom link soon. Please reply with your specific interests and skills for helping with this event. “Many hands make light work”- someone once said.


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