Adidas Invite

Trails Club membership benefit!

The adidas Employee Store is happy to share our exclusive employee discount with the members of Trail Clubs of Oregon.


  • The invitation below
  • TCO membership card
    If you can’t find your TCO membership card from your welcome packet, login to, (*register if you have not done this before), use the menu “Resources -> Member Directory”, search for your name, click on the “Link” in the “Card” column.
    Print the page or show it on your mobile phone. Note that any member can print membership cards for other members.
  • Personal photo ID.
  • Guests may bring up to 4 additional friends or family members per visit.
  • Local law requires retailers to charge a nominal fee for each bag provided to our customers.
    We recommend bringing your own bag to save on the bag fee.

*Once you register, please use the menu “TCO Member -> Access Request” to request membership status on the web site. This is a manual match, so please be patient. Your membership card is available using the menu “Resources -> Member Directory”, search for your name, click on the “Link” in the “Card” column.
Print the page or show it on your mobile phone. Note that any member can print membership cards for other members.
