Forms for Club Use

These forms are provided to help members organize and report on club activities. Some special purpose forms may be found on activity specific pages.

All forms are available in Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF). These can be viewed and printed by all users with the free PDF reader. The latest free version of the PDF reader is available at the Adobe Reader webpage

Some forms are available in other formats such as Microsoft Word® (Word) or Microsoft Excel® (Excel). These versions of the forms may be more interactive if you have the application software to use them.

Membership Forms

The Membership Application is used to apply for membership in the Trails Club.

The Dues Notice is used to pay your dues. It is here in case you have misplaced the form mailed to you.

PDFMembership Application
PDFCurrent Dues Notice

Lodge Forms

The Lodge Host form is used to register people and track lodge hosting fees and costs and for hosted lodge events.
The Lodge Usage Report is the report returned to the club after a hosted lodge event. It provides all the information our lodge chairs and treasurer needs from a lodge host.

General Lodge Forms
PDFLodge Fees
PDFLodge Host and Cook Instructions
PDFExcel (xls)Lodge Host Form
Excel (xlsx)Lodge Host Form Live to use with Excel to perform all the calculations
PDFExcel (xlsx)Lodge Usage Report
PDFExcel (xls)Work Trip Weekend Sign-up Sheet
Tyee Forms
PDFTyee Open and Close
PDFTyee Operation
PDFTyee Task List
PDFTyee QR Codes
Nesika Forms
PDFNesika Operation
PDFNesika Task List
PDFNesika QR Codes
Other Lodge Forms
PDFLodge Key Request Form

Revenue & Disbursement Form

The Revenue & Disbursement Voucher Form is used to submit money and payment requests to the Club’s treasurer. Voucher Instructions describes the process of completing the form and submitting it to the treasurer.

PDFWordExcel (xlsx)Voucher Form
PDFWordVoucher Instructions

Trip (hikes etc.) Leader Forms

Trip leaders use the these forms to document a club sponsored hike.
The Trip Log form is used to register participants and have them sign the Recognition of Risks and Declaration of Intent.
The Post Trip Report is used to summarize the trip. After the trip both forms and money collected should be sent to the club address for the Treasurer, which is then sent to the Trips Trustee.

Post Trip Report Now On-line!

PDFWORDTrip Log - Sign In Sheet
ON-LINEPDFWordPost Trip Report

Do NOT use these payment links for Membership Fees or Lodge Fees! This is for non-member hike fees. Use the Payments tab for other fees instead.


Please put the trip leader, trip description, and date in an email to .

Or scan or click the following QR code for the payment link.

The following files are information for trip leaders to use to plan their trip.
Hike Information: Distance, elevation gain, and driving distance for a lot of hikes.
Leader Tips: Suggestions and tips for trip leaders. Especially helpful for new trip leaders.
Before Going With The Group: A pamphlet with club trip guidelines. Especially helpful if you are new to the Trails Club.
Leading Trips: A pamphlet for new and potential trip leaders.

PDFWordHike Information
PDFWordLeader Tips
PDFBefore Going With the Group
PDFLeading Trips

Outings Registration Forms

Forms for outings are custom made for each outing and are available on the Outings Page.

Outings are multi-day trips that are not planned by one of the activity committees. Outings can be planned and led by any qualified member but must be run according to the Trails Club Outings Policy.


Emergency Report Forms

These forms are carried by hike leaders and used when there is an emergency on the trail.
The Emergency Rescue Request Card is used to record important information when someone goes for help.
The Emergency Contact Information Card form is information each hiker should carry in case of an emergency.

PDFEmergency Rescue Request Card
PDFWordEmergency Contact Information Card

Trip Mileage Award Forms

Awards are presented each year by the Trips Committee, Backpack Committee and the Bicycle Committee. These awards are in the form of patches, chevrons and plaques. Our highest awards; The High Traveler–Una Davies Award, the High Miler–Mary Lou Greene Award and the PCT All State awards are presented at the annual banquet.

The files below are the policies and application for these awards. Applications must be received no later than March 1st.

PDFHigh Mileage Awards Policy
PDFHigh Mileage Awards Application
PDFPCT Awards Policy
PDFPCT Awards Application